Yes, Please

It's always good to be kind. To be giving, humble, selfless... but where do you draw the line between nice and desperate? Since childhood, I've had this super annoying desire to please everyone, all the time. To be the nicest, the most liked. This was great for my parents I'm sure, aside skipping school once …

Good Advice

Anyone else really good at giving amazing, incredible, life-changing advice to other people, but you don't practice any of it? I'm officially what I never wanted to be. A hypocrite. If you've read anything I've ever written here, you'll probably have a picture painted of a strong, self-empowered woman who doesn't need a man, is …

Near Death

I'm not saying anyone should go looking for trouble so you can join this group of folks, but man, do I really like people who have almost died. Let me explain. There are a few things that happen to people like me who have come really close to death "before their time." I've found that …


You ever make your mind up about something, but not tell anyone about it for a while? There just isn't a "right time" to broach a subject so you bite your tongue constantly for days or weeks, sorta hoping they will figure it out on their own? Man, I'm right in the thick of it. …

Hills and Valleys

Dang, it's been a hot minute since I've written anything. I think I was waiting for my life to have an uptick so I could look back on the suffering and write about all the wonderful things I learned in the dark season of my life. But here I am about 10 months later, and …


I wasn't going to put my 2 cents into this because everyone seems to be pretty dead set on their stance. However, I am physically incapable of not sharing words on something I feel so strongly about and a topic that to me, shouldn't even be an issue. The reason people are debating abortion right …